Cikarang Industrial Expo (CIE 2024)
The 9th Cikarang Industrial Expo (CIE 2024) is introduced to link local manufacturers, contractors and suppliers of the Integrated Steel Plants, Petrochemical & Chemical Processing, Power & Energy and Industrial Water Treatment. Other industries also include Automotive, Feed Mill Production, Cement Production, General Manufacturing such as Food & Beverage, Plastic Industries, warehouse, Electronic & Electrical Industries and Industrial Automation, and much more to meet the local industries' needs in Indonesia.
By attending this event, engineers and business owners in the area will be able to stay on top of technological advances in their respective industries.
Will be held on:
Wed - Thu, August 21-22, 2024
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Venue: Gedung Swantantra Wibawa Mukti 1
Komplek Perkantoran Pemkab Bekasi, Sukamahi, Cikarang Pusat, West Java – Indonesia.17530.
Featuring superior technology products such as Manufacturing Equipment, Material Supplies & Services, Industrial Automation & Robotics, Logistics, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Laboratory & Environmental Testing, Machinery Equipment & Measurement, Water & Waste Management, Construction, Energy & Power, Safety & Security and other industrial services.
Find out more, visit